FTIR 7600-Lambda Scientific

SOP For FTIR Spectrometer

1. Purpose To describe the procedure for operation and calibration of FTIR Spectrometer. 2. Scope This SOP is applicable for the operation and calibration of the  FTIR Spectrometer. 3. Responsibility Analyst 4. Accountability Quality Control Manager 5. General Cleaning of FTIR Spectrometer 5.1  Ensure that the power to the instrument is switched OFF before cleaning […]

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Double Jacketed Liquid Manufacturing Vessel

1. Purpose To lay down a procedure for cleaning, equipment line clearance & Operation of the double jacketed liquid manufacturing vessel. 2. Scope It is applicable for cleaning, calibration, equipment line clearance & Operation of the double jacketed liquid manufacturing vessel. 3. Responsibility Operator, Production Officer Production manager Quality assurance officer 4. Cleaning Procedure Cleaning […]

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