how long does ketamine stay in your system

How long does ketamine stay in your system

Health & Fitness

We often talk about how long does ketamine stay in your system, Ketamine usually eliminates its elements within 1 to 3 days for people who take it. While the term ‘K-hole’ suggests that ketamine is short-acting, the presence of metabolites that are not quickly cleared from the body can result in a longer ki-etamine detection window. The drug screening panel, as standard practice, does not test ketamine. However, specialized panels should be applied.

how long does ketamine stay in your system

Since ketamine is injected intravenously, you or a medical practitioner must administer it. It is taken as prescribed and begins to work quickly. When administered through the nose, it usually becomes effective in seconds; occasionally, an intramuscular injection takes up to four minutes to achieve the same effect. The effects of euphoria and relaxation are then experienced for 15 to 30 minutes.

The drug is prescribed in the same dose range and can treat pain and induce sedation. Nevertheless, when used excessively or taken at high doses, it provokes the feeling that you are distorting, and you feel disconnected from yourself and the environment. When it is abused (the drug), it can be directly taken, smoked, injected, or swallowed through the mouth. Ketamine is usually mixed with different substances, and it is not uncommon for rapists to use it as the drug of choice to facilitate sexual assault. Once ketamine is abused, the influence is almost immediate, while the duration may be between 30 and 60 minutes.

Half-Life of Ketamine

The ketamine duration of action is approximately 45 minutes. One whole elimination time is the time needed for the drug to be decreased by half in the human body. Thus, it takes five half-lives to eliminate a drug from your system, so in a healthy adult, the average elimination time for ketamine is about 3 hours and 45 minutes. This generally takes us into account, so the body is expected to take different lengths of periods to offload ketamine. On the downside, ketamine testing could turn up positive for as long as therapy continues.

Does Ketamine Have to Be Detected on a Drug Test?

Hence, all ketamine users should keep in mind that ketamine can lead to positive drug tests. However, it should be considered that the ketamine drug does not appear in standard test methods. Yet, providing such substances would be unethical. It is, however, possible that people abuse them for this very purpose. Ketamine can be detected through urine, saliva, blood, and hair tests. Medical practitioners widely practice these tests to check if ketamine is in the system of the person being tested.

The length of ketamine remaining in your system depends on factors such as your weight, metabolism, age, health status, the dosage you took, and whether you were undergoing chronic administration.

Whether ketamine concentrates in a particular organ for hours will depend on the person. 

Some parts of your body where ketamine can be found include:


Urine contains ketamine and norane, one of its daughter products. Officially, depending on the size of the last ketamine dose used, the period the person’s ketamine consumption can be detected varies from a few days to months. On the other hand, ketamine doses of larger size might be found in urine for a longer time.


Despite ketamine being very well traceable by its presence in the blood, blood tests for ketamine are rarely performed. The desired effect, however, is attained after 2.5-container dosing, which is likely the reflection of time found in blood (Kotte).


 It takes a few days – 7 to 10 – from the time the drug was taken before it is found in the hair. Therefore, it is detected in hair up to 90 days after use.


The saliva of an individual willing to take ketamine could contain for up to 48 hours traces of it after they were last administered.

Breast milk: 

Ketamine can enter milk, but information on this drug is not available. Moreover, the question of how much ketamine enters milk and its riskiness for a breastfed baby remains unknown. Therefore, ketamine use during lactation can be reduced and even avoided. When the baby is given the drug, they should monitor it constantly to notice if there are any adverse signs of sedation.

Ketamine’s Duration of Action: (Factors that Affect how long Ketamine takes to Tick down in your body)

Personal-related matters such as age, body mass, genetic profile, hepatic function, and general health are the key factors that determine how long ketamine stays in your organism. As ketamine has the quickest elimination for a young and healthy individual, an older adult will have a longer clearance duration.


Generally speaking, the greater the amount of urine in someone’s body, the quicker the drug will be expelled from the body of someone who is not well-hydrated. Another essential element to consider is an individual’s position in this concept. The speedier one’s metabolism, the shorter the drug breakthrough into the system takes place.