10 basic yoga poses for beginners

10 basic yoga poses for beginners

Health & Fitness

History of Yoga:

When you ask a yoga professional to define yoga, you can get many answers. For some, it’s a way to be comfortable in their body. For others, it is a spiritual practice and for many a way of life. But regardless of your focus, yoga helps reshape and unravel your habitual or unconscious patterns. In this article, we will explain 10 basic yoga poses for beginners.

Yoga practice helps create the foundation and tools to develop good habits such as discipline, self-exploration, and distance. This exercise is also a way to empower yourself to make conscious choices for a healthy and fulfilling life. Today many agree that the word Yuji, the origin of yoga, refers to a greater inner state such as clarity, peace, and happiness.

One of the common definitions comes from the Pat Anjali Yoga Scriptures published before AD 400. In verse two of the first book, yoga is defined as “stop wandering the mind”. The scriptures also offer an eight-headed system that guides practitioners to attain yoga freedom beyond the mind.

The eight-limb system is an integral and highly valued part of yoga. Today we do more postural asana. These were developed by Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya at the beginning of the 20th century. Later his three most famous students further developed a particular style of yoga, each offering a different and informative one.

Today we are in an unparalleled position to approach yoga through numerous channels. From studios, gyms, community centers, schools, and the outdoors to online videos and social media channels, there are tons of ways to practice. You can also attend conferences, training courses, and retreats around the world and be fully immersed.

Basic Pose Guide

It can help to get used to some of the most important basic postures that are used in most physical exercises. Check out this list of alignment poses that you can practice from the comfort of your home.Here are 10 basic yoga poses for beginners..

Downward-Facing Dog


Downward-Facing Dog

  1. Get closer to your hands and knees.
  2. Extend your arms and relax your upper back between your shoulder blades.
  3. Spread your knees with your knees bent and lift your hips up. Your purpose here is to form an inverted “V” shape.
  4. When your hamstrings are flexible, keep your legs straight and your heels down to the floor while maintaining spine length.
  5. If you notice that your spine begins to bend as you straighten your legs, bend your knees just enough to keep your spine long.
  6. Hold your breath 5 times.



cobra pose


  1. Keep your legs straight and lie on your stomach.
  2. Tighten your leg muscles, spread your legs at your hips, and point your toes back.
  3. Press down on the pubic bone so it doesn’t collapse towards the bottom of the spine.
  4. Support your weight on your forearms as you lift your chest off the floor.
  5. When you look straight ahead, make sure your neck is long.
  6. Hold your breath 5 times.

Warrior i

Warrior i

  1. Stand straight and step back with your right foot.
  2. Place your forefoot straight forward and your rear foot at an angle of about 45 degrees.
  3. Spread your feet hip-width apart so that your hips are at right angles to the mat.
  4. Bend your front knee. Make sure your knees are directly above or behind your ankles.
  5. Strengthen your hind legs.
  6. Raise your arms just above your head and relax your shoulders.
  7. Hold your breath 5 times before switching to the other side.

Warrior ii

Warrior II Pose in Yoga

  1. Please stand straight. Take a step back with your right foot.
  2. Rotate your front legs forward. Stand your back legs at a right angle less than 90 degrees.
  3. Align the front heel with the arch of the rear legs.
  4. Rotate your hips to the side of the mat.
  5. Bend the front knee so that the knee is directly above or behind the ankle, making sure that the kneecap follows the middle finger.
  6. Strengthen your hind legs.
  7. Raise your arm parallel to the floor.
  8. Relax your shoulders.
  9. Hold your breath 5 times before switching to the other side.

Tree keeping

tree yoga pose

  1. Please stand straight. With the inside of your left foot firmly on the floor, bend your right knee.
  2. Lift your right foot and place the sole of your foot against your left medial thigh, medial calf muscles, or medial ankle with your toes touching the floor.
  3. Place your hand on the top of the pool, making sure that the pool is parallel to the floor.
  4. Extend the tailbone towards the floor.
  5. Press the sole of your right foot firmly against your thighs, calves, and the inside of your ankles to support the outside of your left leg.
  6. Raise your arms just above your head. Relax your shoulders.
  7. Hold your breath 5 times before switching to the other side.


Bridge Pose

bridge yoga pose

  1. I’ll lie on my back.
  2. Bend both knees, bring your knees over your ankles, and spread your feet apart at your hips.
  3. Place your arms on either side of your body with your palms facing the floor. Spread your fingers well.
  4. Stretch the skin of the tailbone towards the front of the mat.
  5. Lift your hips and hold the pose 5 times.
  6. Back rotation
  7. I’ll lie on my back.
  8. Keep your knees close to you and keep your feet off the floor.
  9. Bring your arm in the “T” position with your palm facing the ceiling.
  10. Lower both knees to the right side of the mat.
  11. Keep your eyes on the ceiling or roll away from your knees.
  12. Hold your breath 5 times before switching to the other side.

Cat Cow

cat cow pose

  1. Go on your knees. Your wrists should be under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Crawl on all fours to evenly balance your weight.
  3. Inhale and look up, stomach to the mat.
  4. Then exhale, pushing your chin toward your chest, and flexing the twists toward the ceiling.
  5. Pay attention to your body and breathing as you repeat these movements.
  6. Continue this fluid movement 5 times.


Breathing or Pranayama

Pranayama pose

Controlling your breathing is an essential part of yoga. The official name of this practice is Pranayama. “Prana” can be described as vitality, energy, or qi, but “Ayama” is a Sanskrit word for extension.

Ujai Pranayama


Ujai Pranayama


Ujai Pranayama is most commonly used in Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga. This breathing technique creates the sound of the sea by contracting the leaf-shaped cartilaginous fins behind the epiglottis, the tongue above the larynx. This sound is said to put your mind in order as you practice.

Ujai technique

  • Breathe in and out through your nose.
  • Inhale with 4 counts and exhale with 4 counts. Finish this for 4 rounds.
  • On the fifth breath, inhale slowly through your mouth as if you were closing your mouth while drinking a straw.
  • As you breathe out, make sure you can breathe out slowly, as if you were moistening the mirror but closing your mouth.
  • Hold this breath throughout your yoga practice.

Also, check How to Sync Your Yoga Practice with the Phases of the Moon